MJ on HBO Watch - Game of Thrones: A Tour of Westeros from A – Z
Game of Thrones: A Tour of Westeros from A – Z
As we reach the halfway point of the third season of HBO’s Game of Thrones, you might find yourself becoming better acquainted with some of the terminology of Westeros. While much of “the Common Tongue” is similar to ours, there are a plethora of words, phrases, places and events which can sometimes confuse the newer viewer, especially if said viewer has not yet read the A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels.
What you’ll find here is a compilation of terms, places and things that
should help you navigate the world of Game of Thrones, laid out for you…
alphabet style. Characters have not been included, as we could truly
devote a whole alphabet to the characters of the series alone. I tried
to keep to words that are relevant to the HBO series, specifically, yet
still keep it relevant to the newer book reader. I wish you well on your
trip to Westeros and beyond, and may the Seven bless you and keep you
on your journey!
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