Christmas is Coming...
...and like winter, that means preparations must be made. This kind of thing is taking a good deal of time, but we're still finding a bit of spare time to write. Just wanted to let you all know that we're still here and we haven't forgotten that people are waiting for updates. However, while satisfying the Bolton, Rising readers, we disappoint The Mountain readers, and vice-versa. For this, our apologies, Bolton now has a couple of recent updates and The Mountain is scheduled to update within the week.
We wanted to give you a quick update, as it's been a long time since we "talked" to you, and surprisingly, it seems that people don't just want story updates, they want to know how things are going with us. I have to say that I find it both shocking and sweet that people who visit our blogs care about what the writers are up to, and if we're doing well. Still, our readers never fail to surprise us, most with how lovely you are, and a few with the extent of crazy they share with us. *smiles* No matter who you are, we're grateful that you're here and we wish you all the best this holiday season. Its been lovely to "meet" some of you through email or comments, or even tumblr or twitter. And from PRB, "Please don't be too shy to leave comments,we know you're all pervs..." ;) (If you don't see the comment section on the bottom of the post, just right click on the post title and open in a new window.) If you are shy, send us an email instead. If you don't already know it, our email address is, and we always welcome your correspondence, please keep writing!
We're quite well here at the Keep, albeit busy, as noted above, with Christmas 2012 planning and preparations. Decorating, tree trimming, gift gathering, wrapping and baking have commenced and will continue throughout the month. It's Renly the terrier's first Christmas, so he's working hard to learn how not to take ornaments off of the tree and how to refrain from chewing the pine boughs that are tied onto the stairs. Arya the cockatiel is also celebrating Christmas number one, and she's thoroughly enjoying sitting in the tree, helping with gift wrapping and sampling cookie crumbs. If you'd like to follow our holiday preparations, you can do so here. We've had some requests for holiday updates on the blog, however, we've so little time to write lately, that I think a pinboard is probably the best [read: fastest] way to share. You're welcome to follow us on pinterest as well.
We have had very snow little so far, and I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but it seems that may not be in the cards for us this year. It's been unseasonably warm, which, as a Northerner, I despise, but PRB, who has Southern blood, loves. Warmer weather turned out to be a bit of a blessing when somehow, the back window of my truck was shattered. It's mended now, thank the Seven, so I'm feeling more than ready for winter to arrive. In other news, we've been scouring the world for perfect gifts. PRB has been working overtime, due to an increased pre-Christmas rush. I've picked the busiest time of my year to go back to school, although now, I'm wishing I'd waited until the next session. As some of you know, I work in Canine Behaviour, and I've decided to expand my area of expertise by becoming a certified Aviculturalist [bird behavior consultant] as well. I'm thrilled to be doing the courses and I'll be even better able to help the birds in our rescue to overcome any behavioural issues, therefore helping them to become more adoptable.
Anyhow, this is a time of year when people often reflect on what they're grateful for, and in light of the recent events in Connecticut, I can't help but count my blessings. It's fascinating to me how I've come such a long way out of PTSD and into happiness and this year in particular, has been one for growing stronger. PRB & I are so grateful to all of you who have given us so much support in overcoming the haters this year. We're not going to stop writing, and we're so glad that you've kept on reading. We've had 56,000 visitors to the blog and the numbers are still climbing all the time. Whether you like us or not, thank you for visiting.
We'll leave you with Perrito singing along to Christmas Carols. Wishing you love, joy, and the merriest of Christmas seasons, and a very, happy New Year.
With lots of love and thanks,
Merry Christmas <3
We wanted to give you a quick update, as it's been a long time since we "talked" to you, and surprisingly, it seems that people don't just want story updates, they want to know how things are going with us. I have to say that I find it both shocking and sweet that people who visit our blogs care about what the writers are up to, and if we're doing well. Still, our readers never fail to surprise us, most with how lovely you are, and a few with the extent of crazy they share with us. *smiles* No matter who you are, we're grateful that you're here and we wish you all the best this holiday season. Its been lovely to "meet" some of you through email or comments, or even tumblr or twitter. And from PRB, "Please don't be too shy to leave comments,we know you're all pervs..." ;) (If you don't see the comment section on the bottom of the post, just right click on the post title and open in a new window.) If you are shy, send us an email instead. If you don't already know it, our email address is, and we always welcome your correspondence, please keep writing!
We're quite well here at the Keep, albeit busy, as noted above, with Christmas 2012 planning and preparations. Decorating, tree trimming, gift gathering, wrapping and baking have commenced and will continue throughout the month. It's Renly the terrier's first Christmas, so he's working hard to learn how not to take ornaments off of the tree and how to refrain from chewing the pine boughs that are tied onto the stairs. Arya the cockatiel is also celebrating Christmas number one, and she's thoroughly enjoying sitting in the tree, helping with gift wrapping and sampling cookie crumbs. If you'd like to follow our holiday preparations, you can do so here. We've had some requests for holiday updates on the blog, however, we've so little time to write lately, that I think a pinboard is probably the best [read: fastest] way to share. You're welcome to follow us on pinterest as well.
We have had very snow little so far, and I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but it seems that may not be in the cards for us this year. It's been unseasonably warm, which, as a Northerner, I despise, but PRB, who has Southern blood, loves. Warmer weather turned out to be a bit of a blessing when somehow, the back window of my truck was shattered. It's mended now, thank the Seven, so I'm feeling more than ready for winter to arrive. In other news, we've been scouring the world for perfect gifts. PRB has been working overtime, due to an increased pre-Christmas rush. I've picked the busiest time of my year to go back to school, although now, I'm wishing I'd waited until the next session. As some of you know, I work in Canine Behaviour, and I've decided to expand my area of expertise by becoming a certified Aviculturalist [bird behavior consultant] as well. I'm thrilled to be doing the courses and I'll be even better able to help the birds in our rescue to overcome any behavioural issues, therefore helping them to become more adoptable.
Anyhow, this is a time of year when people often reflect on what they're grateful for, and in light of the recent events in Connecticut, I can't help but count my blessings. It's fascinating to me how I've come such a long way out of PTSD and into happiness and this year in particular, has been one for growing stronger. PRB & I are so grateful to all of you who have given us so much support in overcoming the haters this year. We're not going to stop writing, and we're so glad that you've kept on reading. We've had 56,000 visitors to the blog and the numbers are still climbing all the time. Whether you like us or not, thank you for visiting.
We'll leave you with Perrito singing along to Christmas Carols. Wishing you love, joy, and the merriest of Christmas seasons, and a very, happy New Year.
With lots of love and thanks,
Merry Christmas <3
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