Updates: How to find us ...

We're pleased to announce that it is even easier to find us! It's no longer necessary to add "blogspot.com" to the end or our web addresses. We can now be found at both:

http://www.houndgirrl.com/   and   http://www.thesnowkeep.com/

Our Blogspot and WordPress urls will still redirect you to our main blogs, however we do suggest updating your bookmarks, just in case. 

Don't forget that you can follow us and lots of other blogs on Bloglovin' and have blog updates delivered to you as they are published. Other than not tracking our numbers properly on our sign up page, we're finding this service to be really great, and highly recommend following all your favorite blogs through Bloglovin'.

As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting us. The hits just keep on coming, and our followers lists continue to grow every day! 


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