
Showing posts from August, 2012

For Our Spanish Speaking Readers

We're excited to link you to the blog of a dear friend of Petyr and Alayne. Please visit Memorias de Aguasdulces Memorias de Aguasdulces/The Riverrun Memories (en Espa ñ ol)  A Petyr Baelish Fanfiction in which a young Petyr comes to Riverrun - en Espa ñ ol. You can find links to this and other fanfic on our More Fanfiction page.

Updates: How to find us ...

We're pleased to announce that it is even easier to find us! It's no longer necessary to add "" to the end or our web addresses. We can now be found at both:   and Our Blogspot and WordPress urls will still redirect you to our main blogs, however we do suggest updating your bookmarks, just in case.  Don't forget that you can follow us and lots of other blogs on Bloglovin' and have blog updates delivered to you as they are published. Other than not tracking our numbers properly on our sign up page, we're finding this service to be really great, and highly recommend following all your favorite blogs through Bloglovin'. As always, thank you so much for reading and supporting us. The hits just keep on coming, and our followers lists continue to grow every day! 

Forged in the Shadows - Part 3 (Role Play 18+)

Talia : A shiver passes through her entire body as you part her thighs and look upon her for the first time. She watches your eyes grow darker, your pupils expand as you gaze upon what is now yours. "Yes, my love..." she whispers, letting her thighs fall wider apart as you begin to stroke her so gently. "Ohh... Bane..." she breathes, overwhelmed by the sensation of your fingers caressing the tiny pearl between her folds, she rocks her hips while you open her so carefully, this is the most wonderful feeling she's ever known. Her fingers twist in the blanket beneath her, her eyes half closing, but still watching you.     Bane : Bane inserts another finger inside, while his free hand travels up your sensual body again, touching your skin and exploring the valley between your breasts, kneading a globe while he starts thrusting his hand against you. Rocking his two thick fingers back and forth, feeling you growing slicker and hotter with each passing ...

Forged in the Shadows - Part 2 (Role Play 18+)

Bane : Bane rises from the cot on his own for the first time in over a month. Feeling stronger... the pain only a dull ache now. A numbness running through his entire body, reminding him he's still alive. Standing before the bathroom mirror he lays dark eyes on his new face, his hand touching the mask over his mouth and nose, delivering the heavy dose of drugs to keep him sane and free from unbearable suffering. "I'm a monster." He whispers to no one, but himself. Thinking of Talia and how she's come to him all these days and nights, laying by his side, sharing her warmth and never once recoiling from him.     Talia : She knocks on your door, opening it and entering when she doesn't hear you answer. Dropping the fresh towels she carries onto a chair, she rushes to the open bathroom door, frightened of what she might find. "Bane!'re up! Are you alright, is there something you need?" She rushes to you, standing behind you, ...

Forged in the Shadows - Part 1 (Role Play 18+)

Bane : Groaning, he opens his fierce eyes into the blinding light, struggling against the restrains that hold him down, wondering where he is. Hearing a soft voice speaking words, he fights against the pain that gives him agony day and night, focusing his mind and moving numb lips to speak... "Who's there?"   Talia : "Shhh, quiet now, lie still..." She takes a cloth from a bowl scented with herbs and places the cool compress on your forehead. "You must lie still..." she whispers, reaching out to touch your cheek gently with her fingers, then pulling away, afraid to hurt you. A tear rolls down her cheek as she watches you writhe in pain. "Bane... do you know me?"     Bane : His hands snaps out like a viper, breaking the restraining cuff and catching you by the wrist, those thick fingers wrapping around fragile bone, holding onto you firmly but gentle at the same time. "Am I dreaming? You..." His hazel eyes stare into ...

Bolton Rising - Ramsay and Jeyne Part 18 (AU RP 18+)

♦ This AU RP/FanFic may contain content that could be disturbing to some readers. Click here for more information. ♦ Ramsay : The limo drives through darkened neighborhoods toward a destination which he has not revealed to you. Ramsay sits next to you in the back seat, one hand around the back of your neck, holding you to him as he kisses you deeply, thrusting his tongue down your throat as his other hand slides up your thigh under your short dress and starts fingering your wet cunt... "Spread your legs wider, my pet." He whispers against your lips, trailing hot biting kisses down your neck and shoving the dress top down to expose your tits. Latching onto a hard nipple with mouth, he suckles on you fiercely as his fingers thrust themselves inside you. Arya : Returning your kiss hungrily, she does as you ask, spreading her thighs wide for you. She can't control herself, her hips rock to meet your fingers. A moan escapes her lips and she shares her breath ...

Bolton Rising - Ramsay and Jeyne Part 17 (AU RP 18+)

♦ This AU RP/FanFic may contain content that could be disturbing to some readers. Click here for more information. ♦ Ramsay : The drive over to the Dreadfort was eerily quiet. Ramsay reclined and smoked, his pale eyes gazing over Arya's body from time to time, but never saying a single word. His cold look was more then enough to express his unhappiness. The limo drove past several security gates, making it's way up a long winding driveway, stopping in front of an ominous and huge ancient castle. It was something straight out of Bram Stoker's novel with creepy evil looking statues, those dead eyes staring down at anyone who came to visit. The flayed men of the Dreadfort. The sigil of the family that owned these lands. "Come along now, pet." Ramsay stepped out of the car and flicked his spent cigarette, holding his hand out to you. Arya : Arya sat very still across from you in the car, barely daring to move. Your eyes, so pale and so cold, chilled her to the...

Bolton Rising (AU, RP, 18+) Flashback Part 3: Melly, Gregor, Ramsay

Gregor was in the main wing with Ramsay when the alarm went off for the fire in the kitchen. Servants and guards ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, yelling out orders here and there. The flames leaping about gave the Mountain little concern. Chaos would be restored to order soon enough with several fire extinguishers. Instead, he watched as his Boss stalked over to the cook and began questioning the old man. Something in his eyes was giving him away. Ramsay could sense fear better than any of his dogs. His cold pale gaze often reduced men to tears and caused them to piss in their pants, sometimes worse. "You fucking let her out?!" Gregor stepped up behind him as Ramsay’s cool calculated voice flipped like a switch to a furious and dangerous tone. The Mountain watched impassively as Ramsay grabbed a butcher's knife and hacked off the cook's right hand, the man's scream no doubt the first of many that night. "I'll go find her with t...

Bolton Rising (AU, RP, 18+) Flashback Part 2: Melly & Ramsay

She ran, barefoot, through the twisting passages of the house, keeping to the servants’ quarters, the dead Guard's key ring held tightly in her fist to keep the keys from jingling. In her cut right hand, a shard of glass, smaller than the one in the Guard's neck, but the biggest she'd been able to find. She could hear men's voices in the main part of the house, so she kept her footsteps light and stopped often to be sure that no one was ahead of her. When she reached the servants’ staircase leading to the kitchen, she proceeded down very slowly. Melly could hear soft noises resonating from the kitchen below. Upon reaching the bottom of the staircase she stopped and took several deep breaths. Peering around the corner, she could see the Cook standing beside the stove with his back to her. He held a large chef's knife and was chopping vegetables, then dropping them into a large pot on the stove beside him. To his left was the kitchen door leading out into the yard. ...