Bane : Groaning, he opens his fierce eyes into the blinding light, struggling against the restrains that hold him down, wondering where he is. Hearing a soft voice speaking words, he fights against the pain that gives him agony day and night, focusing his mind and moving numb lips to speak... "Who's there?" Talia : "Shhh, quiet now, lie still..." She takes a cloth from a bowl scented with herbs and places the cool compress on your forehead. "You must lie still..." she whispers, reaching out to touch your cheek gently with her fingers, then pulling away, afraid to hurt you. A tear rolls down her cheek as she watches you writhe in pain. "Bane... do you know me?" Bane : His hands snaps out like a viper, breaking the restraining cuff and catching you by the wrist, those thick fingers wrapping around fragile bone, holding onto you firmly but gentle at the same time. "Am I dreaming? You..." His hazel eyes stare into ...