
Showing posts from April, 2013

Bolton Rising Part 47 - Alayne & Sandor

During the long hours that Alayne spent by Petyr’s bedside, her mind was in constant motion. An endless torrent of pain and fear assaulted her, never allowing for even a brief moment of peace. Over and over again, she saw the events of the morning play out on a constant loop that she could not turn off. She watched helplessly as Petyr clutched his chest and fell, feeling her own heart ripped to shreds again, each time. After a while, the tears had stopped falling. Her eyes, unable to produce any more moisture, ached and burned as she watched him lying lifeless before her, the constant slow drip of the IVs and the soft, steady tones of the machines became her only comfort. As long as they worked steadily on, she knew that Petyr was not fully lost to her. Sandor was coming, they told her. A white faced nurse informed her that he had been contacted and was on his way. Alayne didn’t know how long it would take for him to travel to her, but knowing that he was on his way made her feel ...

MJ for HBO Watch: Game of Thrones S3:E4 - "And Now His Watch is Ended"

Game of Thrones Season 3: Episode 4 - "And Now His Watch is Ended" I’d like to give a great big high five to first time Game of Thrones director, Alex Graves. I felt that “And Now His Watch is Ended” was the best episode of the season, so far. I’m very pleased that we’ll get to see a second episode directed by Graves, “Kissed by Fire,” which will air next Sunday.  While episodes 1 and 2 were excruciatingly slow, episode 3, “Dark Wings, Dark Words,” was a big step in the right direction. However, this week, the fourth episode, blew them all out of the water for me. I’ve read again and again that last week’s closing scene was powerful; however, I found it to be highly disappointing. This week’s ending was impeccably done and it wasn’t ruined by really bad, mood crushing ending credit music...  Read More ... Make sure to follow the HBO Watch blog, @HBOWatch , and @houndgirrl for future updates on True Blood, Game of Thrones, Girls, Boardwalk Empire and ...

Bolton Rising Part 46 - Sandor

The Hound was in the middle of packing his bag to leave the Braavosi Meditation and Recovery Center, when the call from the hospital appeared on his cell. He scowled at the annoying ring tone and blinking display, expecting the call to be from a social worker wanting an update on his progress or some other nonsense shit. "What is it?" Sandor's tone was gruff when he answered, scaring the nurse from the emergency room on the other end of the line.  He listened with growing agitation as the woman explained the reason for the call. His boss Petyr Baelish had suffered some serious unexplained trauma and was currently in a deep coma in intensive care. "What about the girl with him, Alayne Stone? Where is she?" Clegane's hand tighten around the phone, crushing the plastic casing as the nurse responded that Baelish's fiancee, was alright but distraught, and requesting his presence. "I'm on my way, but get some fucking security outside his ...

MJ on HBO Watch: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of S3:E1 – ‘Valar Dohaeris’

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly of S3:E1 – ‘Valar Dohaeris’ Excerpt: On Sunday we returned to Westeros for the premiere of the third season of Game of Thrones. My first impression of the episode 1 was one of disappointment. Slow to start, it never really seemed to take off, never really delivering the punch that one would expect from a season premiere. After another viewing or two, really analyzing the episode, I think there were some definite good points that deserve recognition. Sadly, there are also some frustrating moments and even some incredibly unnecessary scenes thrown into the mix. I’ve included some opinions from twitter and tumblr to support the good, the bad and the ugly of Season 3, episode 1. Read More...  Make sure to follow the HBO Watch blog, @HBOWatch , and @houndgirrl for future updates on True Blood, Game of Thrones, Girls, Boardwalk Empire and more.