Chapter 19 of the Mountain is coming....

It really is! Just like Winter, it's been a long time coming, but the Mountain Chapter 19 is finally finished. It should be posted before the weekend is out. Right now it just needs to be read by my beta reader and edited one last time. For some reason I had to write four completely different versions of this chapter before it felt right. I'd put it away in between and work on other things, before picking it up again. Up until this chapter, whenever I'd have the time to sit down and write, everything flowed really easily, so I'm hoping that chapter 20 will come much more quickly than this one did. I think that part of the problem, is Nella. She and I don't see eye to eye, so getting into her head is a bit harder for me. While I'm nothing like Gregor, I've had life experiences that help me to feel more comfortable writing someone like him. Anyhow, whatever the trouble, I'm happy to move on to number 20! I never thought it would go this far and I'm ...