Inspritations for The Mountain Part 2 - Harrenhal & Clegane Keep

There have been several inspirations for Harrenhal floating around in my mind as I've been developing & working on The Mountain . One of which is this awesome floor plan pictured here, created by J.E. Fullerton. This was sent to me by a friend & I've tried to stay true to it as I write, so that its possible for a reader to follow Melicent & Gregor around the castle grounds. Clicking on the captions will bring you to more information & photos of the castles. Harrenhal, as I picture it for this story, is not yet truly a ruin, though its been neglected & is falling into disrepair. Furnishings are shabby & threadbare, colors are muted, everything is in need of a good cleaning, and things are starting to crumble, ever so slightly. As far as the grounds, the Godswood is overgrown & the paths are littered with downed trees. The gardens are a bit out of control. The Old Sept is a crumbling ruin. It definitely needs a little love, just like its Lord. ...